REVIEW renewals and early starters

Posted by John Clutterbuck on

We are unusual for a magazine in that we hold back issues and allow people to subscribe to the REVIEW starting from a slightly older issue - and we send the intervening issues post free.

We also honour late renewals and similarly send the intervening issues post free. As you can imagine this is expensive and time consuming. Furthermore it can be some time before we get the back issues from the printers to send out - we still haven't got 114 yet! We are also still getting people posting the paper renewal form to us with credit card details or cheque (and even cash) when they have an account and could easily and more securely pay online.

We do encourage all REVIEW readers to login to their account and renew online. From the next issue we are considering sending out electronic email invoices in advance of the issue which will enable renewals to be processed simply and securely so we have no need to send the renewal form. We would welcome your views on this.

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