Published for over 30 years, Narrow Gauge & Industrial Railway Modelling REVIEW, is the quarterly magazine of choice for those who model our more interesting railway byways. It is targeted at modellers who actually make things rather than buying off-the-shelf ready-to-run. We feature top quality prototype reference material accompanied by scale drawings and prototype photographs, much of it rare or hard-to-find, as well as articles on layouts of interest to narrow gauge and industrial modellers, and detailed how-to articles on modelling techniques. Over the years, the REVIEW builds into an indispensable reference work on narrow gauge and industrial railways and how to model them.
Quarterly and gift subscriptions to the REVIEW are available here: Review Subscriptions
Current and back issues are also available here: REVIEW Back Issues
There is a full searchable index here: REVIEW Index
A quote from one of our readers: "Congratulations to the entire team for another wonderful edition of the Review. It once again illustrates the exceptional standard of the magazine and why I have had the pleasure of reading it since issue 1. With best regards. Bernard"