Writing for the REVIEW

We welcome material for the inclusion in the REVIEW on model and prototype narrow gauge and industrial subjects (narrow or standard gauge) and model construction techniques. We do not expect exclusivity but would prefer if the text and photos you supply are not a straight repeat of material already published in other magazines or the web, and also not published subsequently in near identical form.

We offer an extended subscriptions for all articles published - usually done once an the issue goes to print.

Here are some notes to guide you:

  • Please write in your own words. We will do very little editing to your text beyond using our standard nomenclature.
  • If the material is not your own work, then please ensure you have permission to publish it and let us know how to credit it - especially for photos.
  • Please supply all the words as a simple text file in a suitable format such as .docx, .doc, .txt. Keep formatting to a minimum. 
  • Photos or scans should be supplied as separate files in the largest resolution you can get, preferably 3200 x 2400 or greater. We can accept most formats - including RAW if you have them.
  • Model photos are best taken against a plain light background under plenty of light with preferably a bit of space around the subject, which gives us flexibility in page setting. Please do not crop, mask or otherwise process the photos 
  • Drawings should be supplied as a suitable vector format (.ai, PDF, DXF, etc.)
  • Photo/drawing captions should be supplied as a separate section of text. 
  • Once we have prepared an article for an issue we will send you a PDF proof.

Please send material to editorial [at] narrowgaugeandindustrial.co.uk - we can send you an upload link if the files are too big for email.

Please ask if you have any further questions.
