Review 101
Issue 101 Contents:
ISSN 0958-0808
- Vestra Wetterns Jarnvag - Swedish standard and narrow gauge modelled in HO 3.5mm scale, 16.5mm and 12mm gauge by Garan Tholin
- A Home-brewed Mish-mash in O9 - 4W Internal Combustion model locomotive, 7mm scale, 9mm gauge by Stuart Brewer
- Silver Soldering - Workshop techniques by Giles Favell
- More on Articulated Fowler 0-8-0s - Prototype information with photo by Jonathan Palterman
- Applique Rivets - Workshop technique by Ray Lantz
- The 'Planet' 6hp Light Locomotive - Hibberd prototype information and photos by Kevin Crossado
- Sentinel 80hp Railway Type Locomotive - Prototype information with photos and Makers GA scale drawing by Roy C Link
- Ruston 165 in 7mm - Standard gauge industrial 0-4-0D diesel locomotive with photos modelled in 7mm scale by Dave Purvis
- Peter Pan Railways - Prototype fairground ride railways with scale drawings by Stuart Baker
- David Hick - Maker of Exquisite 16mm Locomotives - A reflection on his 16mm scale model live steam locomotives by David Pinneger