Review 137
Posted by John Clutterbuck on
Review issue 137 has gone to the printers for distribution at the end of the month. This issue has our usual mix of articles and scale drawings on prototype and model subjects covering the interesting highways and byways of the industrial and narrow gauge scene, as well as techniques, and the usual jottings, product and book reviews and readers' letters. Contents: Eastwell Iron Ore Company - Dan Quine presents his research into the 3ft gauge Eastwell Tramway and the ironstone industry's last working incline, with prototype photos, maps and scale drawings Articulated Avonside Locomotive for South Africa - A 2ft Gauge 0-4-4-0T described...
Review 136
Posted by John Clutterbuck on
Issue 136 has gone to the printers for distribution at the end of the month. This issue has a large focus on construction with a range of articles describing various approaches ranging from the latest digital production techniques, through more traditional techniques, and a large scale approach that mirrors the prototype construction techniques of old. We also have prototype features with scale drawings, plus the usual jottings, product and book reviews and readers' letters. Contents: Harrogate Gas Works Peckett - Giles Favell builds this distinctive loco in O14 with 7mm scale drawing by David H Smith and prototype photo 3D Printing - David...
Posted by John Clutterbuck on
Issue 135 is being despatched this week. We lead this issue with a superb model of a Swedish station building in 1:45 scale with fine detail that includes inside furniture, wallpaper and lighting. On the practical side Tim Shackleton gives us an insight into quick-fix trees and Giles Favell provides a solution to quartering outside cranks. Regular contributor Stuart Baker has drawn an unusual small Bagnall built for Uruguay. We also include historical photos of the Chattenden & Upnor Railway from regular contributor Sydney Leleux and a study into ‘poor track’ so often found on industrial systems. We also have further...
Login or checkout problems
Posted by John Clutterbuck on
Some customers are reporting problems attempting to log in or checkout an order. If this happens to you when you are trying to renew your subscription or order items then please email with the details of what you are trying to order and we will send you an order link. The email address is: admin [AT] John
Posted by John Clutterbuck on
We have just sent Review issue 134 off to the printer for distribution later this month. We lead this issue with a masterpiece of industrial modelling. The railway (which is standard gauge) and the street scene are impressive enough in their own right, however these are completely dominated by the steelworks. It features an extraordinarily and fanatical attention to detail which most of us would struggle to emulate – all based on real life exploration. For those liking our more ‘traditional’ subjects we continue the story of Dinas Manod with details on the station, accompanied by drawings of Tanygsiau station...