
Login or checkout problems

Posted by John Clutterbuck on

Some customers are reporting problems attempting to log in or checkout an order. If this happens to you when you are trying to renew your subscription or order items then please email with the details of what you are trying to order and we will send you an order link. The email address is: admin [AT] John

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Posted by John Clutterbuck on


We have just sent Review issue 134 off to the printer for distribution later this month. We lead this issue with a masterpiece of industrial modelling. The railway (which is standard gauge) and the street scene are impressive enough in their own right, however these are completely dominated by the steelworks. It features an extraordinarily and fanatical attention to detail which most of us would struggle to emulate – all based on real life exploration. For those liking our more ‘traditional’ subjects we continue the story of Dinas Manod with details on the station, accompanied by drawings of Tanygsiau station...

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REVIEW price rise

Posted by John Clutterbuck on

As we have previously warned the next issue marks an increase in price. We have held the previous prices since April 2018 and since then the cost of printing has risen by 32% and with the latest Royal Mail price rises the distribution costs have more than doubled. From issue 134 the per issue price will be £6.95 and the new subscription prices are: UK – £28.00, EU & EUROPE – £34.00, REST OF WORLD – £46.00. Subscription prices will apply with immediate effect. You will note subscriptions remain the cheapest way to get the REVIEW as these prices include postage. Unlike...

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Review 133

Posted by John Clutterbuck on

Review 133

Firstly we would like to wish all our readers old and new a Happy New Year. We have just sent Review issue 133 off to the printer for distribution later this month. We lead this issue with the first of a series on David John’s Dinas Manod - the next station on his imagined extension to the Festiniog Railway. David’s layouts are very much part of an imagined world and, coupled with his use of topography (let’s face it not much of Wales is flat), imbues a real sense of life into his models. We also include an article and scale...

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Royal Mail Industrial Action

Posted by John Clutterbuck on

With the ongoing industrial action by Royal Mail we know orders sent by post are taking days, if not weeks to arrive. We fear any orders placed now are unlikely to arrive in time for Christmas. This is of course out of our control and we are as frustrated by it as much as you are. John & Marion

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